Wrawby Hall resident Charlie Drinkhall was turning 86 and his wish… to spend his birthday with current service personnel and veterans.

Charlie served as a Grenadier Guard in the 3rd Battalion between 1957 and 1959 wished to commemorate his special day reminiscing about his time in the military with fellow service comrades.

Danielle Savage, Care Home Manager at Wrawby Hall, said: “When a new resident joins us here at Wrawby Hall, they each get to make a wish, and we try to grant them where possible. Charlie’s wish was to meet up with some veterans from the armed forces.”

The team at Wrawby Hall set about  extended an invitation via social media to both current and past service members to join in celebrating Charlie’s birthday. The social post mentioned Charlie’s dedicated service to the Grenadier Guards and highlighted his enduring passion for the military.

“We’d love to be able to do something special for Charlie and surprise him, as he still has a great passion for the military,” Danielle included within the post. “Unfortunately, we can’t get Charlie away from the home.”

The response was overwhelming, with dozens of servicemen and veterans alike rallying to make Charlie’s birthday a memorable occasion, including a piper.  Charlie was thrilled with the turn out and with tears in his eyes he realised the special camaraderie and bond shared among those who have served in the Military.

Charlie’s birthday shows the spirit of community at Wrawby Hall, where residents’ wishes are honoured and celebrated, and was featured on the local BBC news.


Charlie and a Bagpiper on his birthday